Women Who Took their Vengeance in an Epic Fashion

Women Who Took their Vengeance in an Epic Fashion

Khalid Elhassan - February 28, 2021

Women Who Took their Vengeance in an Epic Fashion
Portrait of Beatrice Cenci, attributed to Guido Reni. Ancient Origins

24. Vengeance as the Only Escape From a Hellish Life

Beatrice Cenci was less fortunate than her siblings, and was unable to escape her abusive father. She told the authorities that her father had assaulted her on various occasions, but they did nothing. When Count Cenci got out of jail, he promptly shipped Beatrice, along with his second wife Lucrezia and his youngest son by her, Bernardo, out of Rome and to his stronghold, La Rocca. Secluded in his castle, and away from the eyes of the authorities in Rome, Count Cenci’s perversities increased, and the lives of his daughter and second wife became even more hellish.

In addition to repeatedly raping her, Beatrice’s father made her scrape scabies from his bodies, including from off his testicles. He also made his daughter and her stepmother share a bed with him. In desperation, Beatrice wrote to her elder brother, Giacomo, beseeching his aid. She also contacted the authorities, once again, but once again, they did nothing. Worse, the count found one of Beatrice’s letters begging for help, and beat his daughter bloody in retaliation. Beatrice decided that the only way to end the nightmare that was her life was to exact vengeance, and end the life of her father.
