16 Mysterious Ancient Buildings and Structures from Around the World

16 Mysterious Ancient Buildings and Structures from Around the World

Natasha sheldon - September 11, 2018

16 Mysterious Ancient Buildings and Structures from Around the World
Puma Punku. Picture Credit: Brattarb. Wikimedia Commons. Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

10. Puma Punku: The One and a Half Thousand-year-old Bolivian Temple Complex So Precisely Built Some People Believe Aliens built it.

Puma Punku is situated in the Tiwanaku region of western Bolivia, the area, which the Inca tribes believed the world, was created. The site consists of a collection of ruins dated to 530 AD. The visible buildings include an open courtyard, an unwalled esplanade, a terraced mound topped with a platform and a walled eastern court. Geophysics has uncovered more foundations, water conduits and pools. Taken together, the remains are believed to form a temple complex, although damage to its richly decorated buildings caused by the elements and looting have made the deities the temple is dedicated to obscure.

However, the biggest puzzle for archaeologists is how the builders of Puma Punku constructed the complex in the first place. The stone used to build Puma Punku originates 50 miles away from the temple site. Some of the blocks weighed as much as 130 tons, raising questions of how the isolated communities of the region could summon the necessary labor to move the massive stones.

However, the technology used to cut the blocks is a greater puzzle. The stones used to build Puma Punku are so precisely cut that they interlock precisely with their neighbors and hold together with no mortar. This type of precision would be hard to achieve today let alone one and a half thousand years ago. The mystery surrounding the construction of the complex is so perplexing that some people claim aliens must have completed the building work!
